Goodbye to America’s Queen of Soul

The [Memphis, capital of music] daughter who transcended music.

Memphis Tennessee March 25, 1942, a star is born. She is presented to the world with a pretty name-Aretha, which become a symbol of love.

She begins her quest for stardom at a very young age and later, acquires the title of “Queen of soul”. Aretha Franklin was the transcendence of a slew of goodness that all human beings should have. She has used her talent to make people all over the world happy.

To put it in a concise way, we could simply say; America’s queen of soul was one of the most loving souls in the US, in the world. She was nothing but excitements, and for that she will be missed. Goodbye to the gifted ‘humanist’, Aretha Franklin, a name that weighs heavily in the music world and will live forever.

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